In Portoroz (Slovenia), from 9th to 12th October 2017, InterCinD™ take part to EURACHEM 9th WORKSHOP ON PROFICIENCY TESTING IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE – Current Practice and Future Directions. (
EURACHEM is a network of organisations in Europe, having the objective of establishing a system for the international traceability of chemical measurements and the promotion of good quality practices in analytical measurement by producing authoritative guidance within its expert working groups, publishing guides on the web and supporting workshops .
As Italian PT Provider, InterCinD™ will follow the European development and guidelines about Interlaboratory PTs, sharing its experience about POPs Proficiency Tests with other international Providers on EPTIS database (like LGC, or APLAC etc)
We present our main PT Scheme worldwide recognized as InterCinD™ about micropollutants like Dioxins, Furans, PCBs, PBDEs, PAHs and HM in real matrixes at endogenic contamination like: Sediments, Industrial Ashes (from incinerators, Wood Boilers, etc), and Food/Feed (eggs, corn, clams, fish etc)